Cystatin C

Test Mnemonic


CPT Codes

  • 82610 - QTY (1)



Performing Laboratory

Cleveland Clinic Laboratories

Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
Volume1 mLTypePlasmaContainerLithium heparin PST (Lt. Green)Collect Temperature Transport TemperatureRefrigeratedSpecial InstructionsCentrifuge and refrigerate.

Alternate Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
Volume1 mLTypeSerumContainerSST (Gold)Collect Temperature Transport TemperatureRefrigeratedSpecial InstructionsCentrifuge and refrigerate.

Minimum Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
Volume0.4 mLType Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions 


Environmental Condition Description
Environmental ConditionAmbientDescriptionAfter separation from cells: 7 days
Environmental ConditionRefrigeratedDescriptionAfter separation from cells: 7 days
Environmental ConditionFrozenDescriptionAfter separation from cells: 6 months

Days Performed

Mon - Sun

Turnaround Time

24 hours


Name Description
NameQuantitative ImmunoturbidimetricDescription 

Reference Range

Cystatin C
Sex Age From Age To Type Range Range Unit
Cystatin C Sex18 YearsAge From999 YearsAge ToNormalType0.61 - 0.95Rangemg/L
Cystatin C Sex   Age From17 YearsAge ToNormalTypeReference interval not established. Refer to eGFR.Range 
Cystatin C eGFR
Sex Age From Age To Type Range Range Unit
Cystatin C Sex  YearsAge From2 YearsAge ToNormalTypeReference interval not established.Range 
Cystatin C Sex2 YearsAge From999 YearsAge ToNormalType>=60RangemL/min/1.73m2

Special Info

Clinical Info

Evaluation of renal function. eGFR Calculation: Adults: 2012 CKD-EPI cystatin C equation Pediatric (2-17 yrs): 2012 Schwartz cystatin C equation Cystatin C is produced by all nucleated cells at a constant rate and the production rate in humans is remarkably constant over the entire lifetime. Elimination from the circulation is almost entirely via glomerular filtration. Cystatin C based eGFR calculation may be clinically useful in certain scenarios where creatinine-based eGFR may be misleading (e.g. muscle wasting).

Clinical Limitation

Cystatin C levels are sensitive to changes in thyroid function and should not be used without knowledge of the patient's thyroid status.