Catecholamines, Fractionated, Plasma

Test Mnemonic


CPT Codes

  • 82384 - QTY (1)


  • Norepinephrine
  • Epinephrine
  • Dopamine

Performing Laboratory


Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
3 mLPlasmaSodium heparin (Green)Place specimen on ice after draw.Frozen, CriticalPatient should be calm and seated for 15 minutes or supine for 30 minutes prior to collection. Collect 2 tubes. Centrifuge, aliquot and freeze within one hour of collection. Refrigerated centrifuge is preferred but not required. Separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered.

Alternate Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
3 mLPlasmaLithium heparin (Green)Place specimen on ice after draw.Frozen, CriticalPatient should be calm and seated for 15 minutes or supine for 30 minutes prior to collection. Collect 2 tubes. Centrifuge, aliquot and freeze within one hour of collection. Refrigerated centrifuge is preferred but not required. Separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered.
3 mLPlasmaEDTA (Lavender)Place specimen on ice after draw.Frozen, CriticalPatient should be calm and seated for 15 minutes or supine for 30 minutes prior to collection. Collect 2 tubes. Centrifuge, aliquot and freeze within one hour of collection. Refrigerated centrifuge is preferred but not required. Separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered.

Minimum Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
1.1 mL     


Environmental Condition Description
AmbientAfter separation from cells: Unacceptable
RefrigeratedAfter separation from cells: Unacceptable
FrozenAfter separation from cells: 1 month at -20 degrees C; 1 year at -70 degrees C

Days Performed

Sun - Sat

Turnaround Time

2 - 5 days


Name Description
High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) 

Reference Range

Sex Age From Age To Type Range Range Unit
 18 Years99 YearsNormalSeated (15 min): Less than or equal to 240pmol/L
 18 Years99 YearsNormalSupine (30 min): Less than or equal to 240pmol/L
Sex Age From Age To Type Range Range Unit
 18 Years99 YearsNormalSeated (15 min): Less than or equal to 330pmol/L
 18 Years99 YearsNormalSupine (30 min): Less than or equal to 265pmol/L
Sex Age From Age To Type Range Range Unit
 18 Years99 YearsNormalSeated (15 min): 1050-4800pmol/L
 18 Years99 YearsNormalSupine (30 min): 680-3100pmol/L

Special Info

Patient should be calm and seated for 15 minutes prior to collection. Alternately, patient may be calm and supine for 30 minutes prior to collection. Drugs and medications may affect results and should be discontinued for 72 hours prior to specimen collection, if possible. CRITICAL FROZEN. Separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered. This test is New York state approved. Unacceptable conditions: Serum, or urine.

Clinical Info

Not recommended for evaluation of pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma. Use to evaluate clinical symptoms of excess catecholamine secretion. Small increases in catecholamines (less than 2 times the upper reference limit) are usually the result of physiological stimuli, drugs, or improper specimen collection. Significant elevation of one or more catecholamines (2 or more times the upper reference limit) can result from a neuroendocrine tumor. Measurement of plasma or urine fractionated metanephrines should be used for assessment of suspected pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma. Lower catecholamine concentrations are observed in specimens collected from supine adults. Medications may interfere with catecholamines and metabolites. The effect of drugs on catecholamine results may not be predictable. Children, particularly those under 2 years of age, often show an elevated catecholamine response to stress.