Search Results
Showing 50 out of 74 results for s-
S-100B Protein, Serum
Mnemonic: S100B
S-Sulfocysteine, Urine
Mnemonic: USULFC
Saccharomyces cerevisiae IgG & IgA
Mnemonic: SACHAR
Mnemonic: SALI
Sarcoma Fusion NGS
Mnemonic: SRCNGS
Mnemonic: SARP4
Schistosoma IgG Ab
Mnemonic: SCHIST
Scleroderma IgG Ab
Mnemonic: SCL70
Sedimentation Rate, Westergren
Mnemonic: WSR
Selenium Blood
Mnemonic: SELEN
Selenium, Plasma or Serum
Mnemonic: PSELEN
Send Out Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex and Rifampin Resistance by PCR (Respiratory specimens, CSF, Pleural fluid)
Mnemonic: MTBAM1
Sensory Neuropathy Antibody Panel with Reflex to Titer and Neuronal Immunoblot
Mnemonic: SENNRO
Sequential Scn First Trimester
Mnemonic: SEQ1
Sequential Screen Second Trimester
Mnemonic: SEQ2
Serotonin Release Assay (SRA) LMWH
Mnemonic: SRALMW
Serotonin, Serum
Mnemonic: SERTON
Serotonin, Whole Blood
Mnemonic: SEROWB
Mnemonic: SERTRA
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
Mnemonic: SHBG2
SGPG Antibody, IgM
Mnemonic: SGPG
Sialic Acid, Free and Bound, Urine
Mnemonic: USIALI
Sickle Cell Preparation
Mnemonic: SCKSOL
Silver, Urine
Mnemonic: UAG
Sjogren Antibodies
Mnemonic: XSSAB
Skeletal Muscle Antibodies IgG with Reflex to Titer
Mnemonic: SKELS
Sm/RNP Antibody
Mnemonic: NRNP
Smith Abs, IgG
Mnemonic: SMAB
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Screen, Pl
Mnemonic: SLOSCN
Mnemonic: NA
Sodium and Potassium, Urine Timed
Mnemonic: UNAKT
Sodium, Fluid
Mnemonic: FLNA
Sodium, Potassium, Urine 24 Hour
Mnemonic: UNAKD
Sodium, Stool
Mnemonic: SNA
Sodium, Urine 24 Hour
Mnemonic: UNAD
Sodium, Urine Random
Mnemonic: UNAR
Sodium, Urine Timed
Mnemonic: UNATD
Soluble Liver Antigen Antibody, IgG
Mnemonic: LIVSOL
Soluble Transferrin Receptor
Mnemonic: STRANS
Mnemonic: SOMATO
Mnemonic: SOTAL
Space – DO NOT USE
Mnemonic: SPDNU
Special Stain, Histochemistry
Specific Gravity, Body Fluid
Mnemonic: BFSPGV
Specific Gravity, Urine
Mnemonic: USPG
Spinach IgE allergen
Mnemonic: SPNACH
SS-B Antibody
Mnemonic: SSB
SSA Antibody
Mnemonic: ANTSSA
Staff Review with CBC and Differential
Mnemonic: STREV
Staphylococcus aureus & MRSA Screen, Culture, Skin
Mnemonic: SANSAL