Search Results
Showing 33 out of 33 results for r-
Rabies Antibody
Mnemonic: RABIES
Mnemonic: RAPAM
RBC Band 3 Protein Reduction in Hereditary Spherocytosis
Mnemonic: RBCB3
RBC Folate (Reference Lab Only, Requires Hematocrit within 24 hours)
Mnemonic: RBCFLR
Recombx MaTa Autoantibody Test
Mnemonic: MATA
Reducing Substances, Stool
Mnemonic: STRED
Renal Biopsy
Renal Function Panel
Mnemonic: RFP
Reptilase Time
Mnemonic: REPTM
Respiratory Culture and Stain
Mnemonic: RCULST
Reticulocyte Count
Mnemonic: RETIC
Reticulocyte, Hemoglobin
Mnemonic: RTIRHB
Retinol Binding Protein
Mnemonic: RETBP
Reverse T3
Mnemonic: T3REV
Rheumatoid Factor
Mnemonic: RF
Rheumatoid Factor IgM, IgG & IgA
Mnemonic: RHEUMA
RI Autoantibody
Mnemonic: RIAUT
Ribosomal P Protein IgG Autoantibodies
Mnemonic: RIBPRO
Ribosomal RNP Ab
Mnemonic: RRNP
Rickettsia rickettsii IgG & IgM Abs
Mnemonic: ROCKY
Rickettsia Typhi IgG & IgM Abs
Mnemonic: TYPHUS
Risperidone & Metabolite
Mnemonic: RISPER
Ristocetin Co-Factor
Mnemonic: RISCOF
Rivaroxaban Assay
Mnemonic: RVXBAN
RNA Polymerase III Ab, IgG
Mnemonic: RNAIII
RNP Antibody
Mnemonic: ARNP
Rotavirus Antigen Detection
Mnemonic: EROTA
Routine Body Fluid Analysis
Mnemonic: ROUBFL
Mnemonic: RPR
RPR with Titer
Mnemonic: RPRT
Rubella IgG Antibody
Mnemonic: RUBIGG
Rubella IgM Antibody
Mnemonic: RUBIGM
Mnemonic: RUFIN