Complement Component C8

Test Mnemonic


CPT Codes

  • 86161 - QTY (1)




  • C8 Complement, Functional, S

Performing Laboratory

Mayo Clinic Dpt of Lab Med & Pathology

Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
1 mLSerumSST (Gold)Place specimen on ice after draw.Frozen, CriticalFasting preferred. Place tube on wet ice immediately after collection and allow specimen to clot. Separate serum from cells and transfer to standard aliquot tube. Freeze immediately.

Alternate Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
1 mLSerumNo additive (Red)Place specimen on ice after draw.Frozen, CriticalFasting preferred. Place tube on wet ice immediately after collection and allow specimen to clot. Separate serum from cells and transfer to standard aliquot tube. Freeze immediately.

Minimum Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
0.5 mL     


Environmental Condition Description
Frozen14 days

Days Performed

Mon - Fri

Turnaround Time

2 - 4 days


Name Description
C2H(50) Automated Liposome Lysis Assay 

Reference Range

Complement Component C8
Sex Age From Age To Type Range Range Unit
       Normal33 - 58U/mL

Special Info

Grossly lipemic specimens are unacceptable.

Clinical Info

Low levels of complement may be due to inherited deficiencies, acquired deficiencies, or due to complement consumption (eg, as a consequence of infectious or autoimmune processes). Absent C8 levels in the presence of normal C3 and C4 values are consistent with a C8 deficiency. Absent C8 levels in the presence of low C3 and C4 values suggests complement consumption. Normal results indicate both normal C8 protein levels and normal functional activity. Absent (or low) C8 functional levels in the presence of normal C8 antigen levels should be replicated with a new serum specimen to confirm that C8 inactivation did not occur during shipping.