Enzymehistochemistry, Muscle Biopsy

CPT Codes

  • 88305 - QTY (1)


  • Muscle Biopsy
  • Enzymes

Performing Laboratory

Cleveland Clinic Laboratories

Specimen Requirements

Volume Type Container Collect Temperature Transport Temperature Special Instructions
1 cm squareMuscle, skeletal (fresh)Saline-moistened gauze in clean container Ambient 
1.5 cm stripMuscle, skeletal (fresh)Gluteraldehyde AmbientIndicate patient's name and unique identifier on specimen container. Submit Surgical Pathology Requisition and Muscle Biopsy Clinical History form with specimen. Deliver to lab immediately.

Days Performed

Tue, Thu

Turnaround Time

2 - 3 days


Name Description

Reference Range

Special Info

Submit Surgical Pathology Requisition or accompany with an electronically generated test request and Muscle Biopsy Clinical History forms with specimen. Muscle Biopsy Clinical History forms are available from Anatomical Pathology Office, 444-6781. REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW: Requisition must be completely filled out with date of procedure, patient's name, date of birth or age, clinical history, clinician, location of procedure, specimen submitted, and any requests for special procedures.

Clinical Info

Interpretation by Pathologist.