Cardiovascular Pathology

Pathology Consultative Services

Cardiovascular Pathology

The Cardiovascular Pathology Consultative Service evaluates and interprets diseases affecting the heart and its blood vessels in both pediatric and adult patients.

Our Cardiovascular Pathology Section has worked together with Cleveland Clinic’s internationally-renowned Cardiology and Cardiovascular programs for more than 30 years.

Consultative services include:

Diagnosis of:

    • Cardiomyopathies
    • Primary Cardiac Disease by Light

Evaluation of:

    • Acquired Heart Disease
    • Cardiac Conduction System
    • Congenital Cardiovascular Malformations
    • Implantable Cardiovascular Devices

Immunofluorescence & Transmission Electron Microscopy

Heart Transplant Surveillance for Cellular and Antibody-Mediated Rejection

Heart Valve Pathology

Vascular Pathology

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Fast Results

Turnaround for most gastrointestinal cases is within 48 hours.

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Expert Consultation

Our staff is available for consultation during any stage of diagnosis or treatment.

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Flexible Billing Solutions

Options include third-party and client billing that can be customized to your needs.

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Reporting Options

Concise, in-depth reports are available for each consultation.

Cardiovascular Pathology Staff

Our staff members are editorial board members and ad hoc reviewers for major cardiology and pathology journals, participate in numerous collaborative research projects in the field, and are involved with international and national professional organizations.

Special interests include genomic profiling of the failing human heart, assessment of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, and issues related to cardiac transplantation & developmental cardiac pathology.

Interested in Sending a Pathology Consult?

Our pathologists are nationally- and internationally-recognized experts who are widely acknowledged for their expertise in their subspecialties as well as for their contributions to research and advancements in diagnostic pathology.

E. Rene Rodriguez, MD

E. Rene Rodriguez, MD
Director, Cardiovascular Pathology

Marc Halushka, MD, PhD

Marc Halushka, MD, PhD

Celeste Santos Martins, MD

Celeste Santos Martins, MD

Carmela Tan, MD

Carmela Tan, MD