December 2022: Changes to Acceptable Tube Type for Azole Anti-Fungal Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Special Communication

December 2022: Changes to Acceptable Specimen Containers for Azole Anti-Fungal Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Effective December 20, 2022

Plasma collected in Green Lithium Heparin Tubes will no longer be accepted for azole anti-fungal therapeutic drug monitoring tests.

Please collect samples for Azole Anti-Fungal Therapeutic Drug Monitoring tests in Red (serum) No Additive Tubes, centrifuge, and transfer the serum to an aliquot tube.

Tests Affected:

  • Fluconazole (FLUC)
  • Isavuconazole (ISACON)
  • Itraconazole (ITRAC)
  • Posaconazole (POSACN)
  • Voriconazole (VORCON)

Updated Specimen Requirements

Specimen Type:

0.5 mL

Collection Container:
Red (Serum) No Additive Tube

Transport Temperature:

Do not use gel separator tubes.